Getting The Process Started:
Parents wishing to present their child[ren] for
dedication must be united in marriage AND
At least one parent be born again and living a life consistent with
biblical instruction and growing in Christ.
Getting The Process Started:
We strongly recommend that the couple desiring to dedicate a child,
will have been attending Next City Church for at least
one year prior to the dedication date.
Parents are required to meet with a pastor prior to the dedication.
Families often plan for a gathering immediately following the service.
Before making plans, please ensure that you have an email
confirmation of the date from our Ministry Office.
The parents and child[ren] will be called to the altar during the service
and the pastor will deliver a brief biblical exhortation to the parents and offer
a prayer of dedication for the child and parents.
Please note that at this time only the immediate family (parents and siblings)
of the child who is being dedicated will be allowed on the platform.
It is our desire to see each family raise their children in a Godly environment.
We encourage you to involve yourselves and
your child(ren) in ministry at Next City Church.
There is something for everyone!
Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to minister to your family.