We're happy to hear that you're
interested in becoming a member!

Membership at Next City Church isn’t just about attending—it’s about belonging, serving, and faithfully stewarding your gifts, time, and resources as part of our church family.

Before taking the next steps, we want you to understand the heart of NCC and what membership means.

Take a moment to explore this page and learn more about our values, beliefs, and the commitment involved.

Before signing up, we want to honor your time and commitment.
We ask that you first review our
Statement of Faith and Sincerely Held Beliefs, then complete the
Membership Inquiry Form

Before signing up, we want to
honor your time and commitment.

We ask that you first review our
Statement of Faith and Sincerely Held Beliefs,
then complete the Membership Inquiry Form


We're happy to hear that you're interested in becoming a member!

Membership at Next City Church isn’t just about attending—it’s about belonging, serving, and faithfully stewarding your gifts, time, and resources as part of our church family.

Before taking the next steps, we want you to
understand the heart of NCC and what membership means.

Take a moment to explore this page and learn more about
our values, beliefs, and the commitment involved.

Expectations of Membership


Get Involved

Go beyond just attending and get involved in the life of the church!
One of our expectations is for you to be active in your membership and go beyond just attending.

If you haven't committed to serving at NCC, click the button below
and check out the different ministries available for you and your family.

Attend Faithfully

It's our desire for everyone to attend Sunday Services in-person each week.
If you haven't already committed to attending a service, click the button below. 

Understand The Vision

Give Generously

We want you to understand the "why" of Next City Church.
Get familiar with who we are and what we strive to do by clicking the button below.

Members of NCC have an expectation to understand the Biblical principles of tithing (10% of income) and to support the giving initiatives at NCC (Missions, Outreach, Special Projects, Benevolence, etc.) 

Expectations of Membership


Get Involved

Go beyond just attending and get involved in the life of the church!

One of our expectations is for you to be active in your membership and
go beyond just attending.

If you haven't committed to
serving at NCC, click the button below
and check out the different ministries available for you and your family.

Attend Faithfully

It's our desire for everyone to attend Sunday Services in-person each week.

If you haven't already committed
to attending a service,
click the button below. 

Understand The Vision

Give Generously

We want you to understand
the "why" of Next City Church.

Get familiar with who we are
and what we strive to do by
clicking the button below.

Members of NCC have an expectation to understand the Biblical principles of tithing (10% of income) and to support the giving initiatives at NCC (Missions, Outreach, Special Projects, Benevolence, etc.)

Your Path to Membership

Becoming a member at Next City Church is a meaningful commitment.
Here's what the path to membership looks like:

  1. Live Out Membership – Ensure you're actively engaged through serving, giving, and community life.
  2. Commit to the Mission – Embrace and support the vision of NCC.
  3. Understand Our Beliefs – Read our Statement of Faith & Sincerely Held Beliefs.
  4. Take the First Step – Complete the Membership Inquiry Form.
  5. Attend a Membership Class – Attend a session to learn more and take your next step.
  6. Interview with a Church Leader – After attending the membership class, reading material will be required. A church leader will connect with you for an interview where your application will be reviewed for consideration of church membership. 

We’re excited to take this journey with you!     

Your Path to Membership

Becoming a member at
Next City Church is a
meaningful commitment.

Here's what the path to membership looks like:

  1. Live Out Membership – Ensure you're actively engaged through serving, giving, and community life.
  2. Commit to the Mission – Embrace and support the vision of NCC.
  3. Understand Our Beliefs – Read our Statement of Faith & Sincerely Held Beliefs.
  4. Take the First Step – Complete the Membership Inquiry Form.
  5. Attend a Membership Class – Attend a session to learn more and take your next step.
  6. Interview with a Church Leader – After attending the membership class, reading material will be required. A church leader will connect with you for an interview where your application will be reviewed for consideration of church membership.

We’re excited to take
this journey with you!